After several months of becoming champ, Pro-Wrestling Eve champ Jenny Sjodin is hoping to get another title under her belt as she faces Nordic Women’s Wrestling Alliance Champion Aurora Flame it a Title vs. Title match tonight in at Tangopalatset in Malmo, Sweden for the SWS Pro Wrestling promotion.

Sjodin cut a promo on Pro-Wrestling Eve’s youtube channel which includes an awesome quote from MMA fighter Mirko Cro-Cop. The match itself will be recorded for the upcoming Pro-Wrestling Eve DVD.

In a call reminiscent of Owen Hart or Peter Finch in Network, Beth Phoenix made her own declaration of frustration on Raw this past week.

After destroying Eve in a match this past Monday on Raw, Phoenix stated the words that most internet fans have been waiting to hear for several years.

No more booty popping! No more Splits! No more Stink Faces!

The Divas have been stuck in meaningless dance competitions, sexy outfit gimmick matches, and really quick eight Diva tag matches.  The un-creative promos have also hindered the division, making it the “time to get a snack” time for most internet fans.

Phoenix (with the help of the new Divas division manager Dustin Runnels and the rest of the WWE creative) has taken steps to change that. Phoenix’s speech sent trends throughout cyberspace and  Natalia Neidhart had followed Phoenix’s lead and did a heel turn last week on Smackdown.

As much as the fans in the arena are on the fence about Phoenix’s heel turn, the internet fans are now backing Phoenix as a heroine. The call is getting stronger for Phoenix to carry the ball, so the less experienced can work their way to becoming stronger competitors.

This is just the first step in what could be a new era in the Divas’ division; or so we hope.

Last week, Gail Kim stated she’d asked for her walking papers. The WWE this week has said no way.

After the multiple firings last week, including WWE Diva Melina, the WWE stated they are wanting Kim to continue her contract with the company. Kim, who has a great working relationship with TNA, was more than likely offered a deal with the WWE’s biggest competitor if she decided to leave.

In a tweet to her fans, Kim described the situation.

This is the current situation for everyone who’s asking: I quit last Monday and apparently after a total of 5 yrs of working for a company where I was not utilized or appreciated, I’m now, for some reason, valuable enough to keep me under the remainder of my contract so I can’t work elsewhere. Controlling? Thoughts?

This puts Kim in an interesting position. As she has been stuck on the WWE Superstars (the WWE’s C show) and not getting a push, this could give Kim some leverage. There has been a change in the Divas as their is a current push for more wrestling from their more experienced workers like Beth Phoenix and Natalia Neidhart. Kim could bring some major matches to the division.

Seeing that the WWE doesn’t want to give up a great worker to a competitor, it will be intriguing to see what happens in the next few weeks.

For those who think that pro-wrestling is fake – let the battle scars prove otherwise.

Annie Social tweeted this pic after match this past weekend after her loss to Serena Deeb at the WSU Uncensored DVD taping in Union City, NJ.

If that wasn’t hardcore for you, the WSU Uncensorsed taping also featured a 73 minute match between Brittney Savage and Amy Lee.

Ringbelles Online has the complete results of the two cards. 

After the WWE’s Diva’s battle royal, two Divas are eliminated from the WWE. Melina (pictured left) and Gail Kim (pictured right) has been released by the company this week.

Kim has been relegated to doing matches on WWE Superstars and was not being pushed at all for the last year. Conjecture is that TNA will be picking her up soon.


Melina had gotten a small push on Raw the past few weeks, but has not stood back to prominence since her push when she made it back from injury. Melina’s future is a bit more uncertain, but a stint in TNA or a bigger independent like NWA Hollywood, WSU Wrestling, or Ring of Honor are possibilities.

The Diva’s battle royal this past week on Raw was an opportunity to switch things up in the division, and that it did.

With the past year of seeing the Bella Twins and Kelly Kelly being pushed, while the more talented Beth Phoenix being put on the “C” chows, the WWE has brought Phoenix back with a vengeance to Raw. After picking up both Bellas in what was a true test of strength and eliminating them, Phoenix earned her right to face Kelly Kelly at Summerslam for the Divas’ title. Phoenix then opened a can of whoop ass on Kelly, making a much needed heel turn. (Although hardcore fans like myself were cheering Phoneix demolishing of Kelly.)

The Divas’ lack of direction or a focal point was a huge problem for the division. Many wrestlers have had the distinction, from Alundra Blaze (aka Madusa Miceli), Trish Stratus, and even Stephanie McMahon. To have Phoenix as the main focal point, they can develop the younger talent. To have Kelly Kelly work with a veteran like Phoenix could push her to become a better performer. We can only hope in the next few weeks that Phoenix and Kelly can plan out a great match coming into SummerSlam.

This also opens the opportunity for epic matchesbetween Phoenix and wrestlers like Natalia Neidhart, Gail Kim, and Eve Torres.

The interesting thing at SummerSlam is if Phoenix will be getting cheers similar to what Mickie James got with Trish Stratus. We shall know in a few weeks.


Although negotiations seem to be going well between Strikeforce and their 145 pound champion Cyborg Santos, leave it to the champ to have a back-up plan.

There were rumors of Cyborg being in talks with the WWE this past spring, which was something that WWE had denied shortly after the story broke. However, in an interview with, Cyborg stated that she would still be interested in working for the WWE if this whole MMA thing doesn’t pan out.

“I like the WWE. If they had an opportunity for me, I’d do it,” Santos commented to  “I was interested in doing [more than one event] with the WWE, but now I’m fighting again, so I’m going to do that.”

Strikeforce head Scott Coker has stated that Cyborg is close to being re-sign. However, Cyborg does have offers on the table to fight in her native Brazil later this month and Singapore in September. If Zuffa signs back their champ, expect Cyborg to drop out of these matches and train for a late fall return.

Lisa Marie VaronAfter years of wanting to do MMA, pro-wrestler Lisa Marie Varon states that dream has past her by.

Varon, currently wrestling in TNA under the name Tara, did a video interview with MMAFighting’s Ariel Helwani at this past weekend’s Striekforce event. She explained she was there as a women’s MMA fan, but her pursuit of a MMA career was over. Due to an injured hand she sustained this past year in a cage match with TNA champ Mickie James, she had to have surgery to recover. Also with her pushing 40, it maybe a little late in the game to consider doing MMA.

Varon has been training jiu-jitsu for the past few years, and had a “worked” incident with MMA fighter Kim Couture in late 2009 (video).

Varon isn’t the last of the female pro-wrestlers considering crossing over to MMA. WWE Diva Eve Torres is training Brazilian jiu-jitsu under Rorion Gracie (Video), and a MMA career post WWE may not out of the question. Pro-Wrestling Eve champ Jenny Sjodin, who is also a grappling specialist, had stated on the Wombat Sports podcast that MMA could be an option in her future as well.

Japanese female MMA fighters such as Megumi Fujii did wrestle a match or two, and  several Japanese female pro wrestlers making the crossover to MMA. It looks like that trend may cross to the U.S. sooner than later.

If you think MMA training is hard, the Japanese women wrestlers take training just as seriously.

In this clip, Ice Ribbon wrestling’s Makoto  is training to perfect a devastating spear, ala Edge. Her trainers employ different tactics than a lot of American wrestling schools. It may look different, but as you see in this clip very effective.


By Press Release

Following on from our announced working relationships with Ice Ribbon in Japan, XWA in Morecambe, England, SWS in Malmo, Sweden, NWA Hammerlock in Kent & Herts, England; Pro-Wrestling:EVE is extremely pleased to announce another working relationship with arguably the fastest rising wrestling promotion in the UK today – Southside Wrestling Entertainment.

Debuting in October 2010 Southside Wrestling Entertainment has seen their profile within the UK take off like no other in the months that followed with their high quality talent and matches drawing rave reviews from those lucky enough to be in attendance of their sell out shows.

EVE Management therefore wanted to showcase the type of sporting professional wrestling contests that perhaps fans aren’t used to seeing on their television screens when watching the women’s matches from the major promotions featured on television such as WWE and TNA in order to emphasise a style of wrestling not often witnessed by the masses. When consulting the Pro-Wrestling:EVE W / L Records EVE decided that match would be a first time contest between Super Janey B [No Gym Affiliation; Home Planet: Unknown] and Rhia O’Reilly [No Gym Affiliation, Country: Ireland].

While some may wonder how the words “sporting contest” can be used to describe a match featuring the unorthodox Super Janey B the fact remains that no matter how quirky, wacky, eccentric or even deluded some may believe her to be she does indeed hold wins in Pro-Wrestling:EVE and much like Rhia O’Reilly has achieved those wins without as much as a yellow card warning against her.

With Rhia O’Reilly’s current Win / Loss Record at 2 Wins, 6 Losses, 0 Draws and Super Janey B’s Win / Loss Record at 2 Wins, 3 Losses, 0 Draws both women need the victory to move them closer to a Pro-Wrestling:EVE Championship match and thus will no doubt bring their A-game to what is sure to be a tremendous professional wrestling match at Southside Wrestling Entertainment courtesy of Pro-Wrestling:EVE.

As with all Pro-Wrestling:EVE Matches this contest will be filmed for DVD release!

The Pro-Wrestling:EVE match between Rhia O’Reilly and Super Janey B takes place on Saturday September 24 as part of the Southside Wrestling Entertainment ‘Retribution 2’ event at The Commoration Hall, 39 High Street, Huntingdon, Cambs. Doors open at 6:15pm with the first bell at 7pm. Tickets available now at

The show also features the cream of the crop in UK male professional wrestling stars such as Marty Scurll, Rockstar Spud, El Ligero, Mad Man Manson & T-Bone!