WWE Keeping Gail Kim in Career Limbo

Posted: August 9, 2011 in Uncategorized

Last week, Gail Kim stated she’d asked for her walking papers. The WWE this week has said no way.

After the multiple firings last week, including WWE Diva Melina, the WWE stated they are wanting Kim to continue her contract with the company. Kim, who has a great working relationship with TNA, was more than likely offered a deal with the WWE’s biggest competitor if she decided to leave.

In a tweet to her fans, Kim described the situation.

This is the current situation for everyone who’s asking: I quit last Monday and apparently after a total of 5 yrs of working for a company where I was not utilized or appreciated, I’m now, for some reason, valuable enough to keep me under the remainder of my contract so I can’t work elsewhere. Controlling? Thoughts?

This puts Kim in an interesting position. As she has been stuck on the WWE Superstars (the WWE’s C show) and not getting a push, this could give Kim some leverage. There has been a change in the Divas as their is a current push for more wrestling from their more experienced workers like Beth Phoenix and Natalia Neidhart. Kim could bring some major matches to the division.

Seeing that the WWE doesn’t want to give up a great worker to a competitor, it will be intriguing to see what happens in the next few weeks.

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